GMP and Ayush Certified Ayurvedic clinic in India.
GMP and Ayush Certified Ayurvedic clinic in India.


white-iconVigor & Vitality

white-iconBigger, Harder & Stronger

white-iconStrength to the Right Muscles

white-iconQuick Post Workout Recovery

I red image

Pure Ayurveda Oil for Vigor & Vitality with Best Quality Himalayan Herbs

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2000+ iRed
Customer Reviews

Read the Genuine Feedbacks Received on Twitter, Instagram & Other Media From Verified iRed Customers.

Do You Need

Not sure if you need to use our best selling
iRed products? Answer a few simple questions designed by Dr. Ajayita & find out now!

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Dr Ajayita

Want to ask a direct question to Dr. Ajayita?

Message her directly on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or book a consultation via website chat

iRed Products Range

iRed Oils

Treatment of ED & Size Issues

iRed Combos

All the benefits of Oil PLUS Curing PE Issues, Improving Semen Quality, Vigor & Vitality

iRed Super Combos

All the benefits of iRed Combo PLUS Increasing Testosterone Level, Muscle Mass & Fighting Obesity

iRed Super Combos with Shilajit Capsules

All the benefits of iRed Combo PLUS Increasing Testosterone Level, Muscle Mass & Fighting Obesity

iBeast Protein Powder

Pea Protein with the Power of Ashwagandha & Moringa!

white-iconVegan-Friendly Pea Protein

white-iconEssential Amino Acids

white-iconEasy Digestibility

white-iconWeight Management Support

white-icon Muscle Growth Aid

white-iconLow Saturated Fat

white-iconAllergen & Lactose-Free

white-iconEnhanced Sleep Quality

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Chat with our experts now!

iGrow hair oil

iwonderig jpg

My Ultimate Collection of Pure Ayurveda Hair Oils with 40+ Top Quality Herbs

white-iconPromotes Hair Growth

white-iconStops Hair Thinning & Hair Loss

white-iconRemove Tough Dandruff

white-iconStop Premature Greying

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500+ iGrow
Customer Reviews

Read the Genuine Feedbacks Received on Twitter, Instagram & Other Media From Verified I-Wonder Customers.

iGrow Products Range

Hair Oils

iGrow Combo

30 Days Course

Oil for Promoting Hair Growth, Stopping Hair Fall, Dandruff & Premature Greying

Price : 1199 MRP : 2098

iGrow nourishing hair oil

30 Days Course

Oil for stopping Hair Fall, Dandruff & Premature Greying

Price : 999 MRP : 1499

iFit Oil

white-iconLong-term Pain Relief

white-iconJoints & Tendons Stiffness Cure

white-iconFlexibility & Fitness Enhancer

white-iconEnhancing Mobilty


Say goodbye to joint pains!
Essential Oil for Long term Pain relief & Stiffness in Joints, Muscles & Tendons, Enhancing Flexibility & Fitness of Ligaments, Rejuvenation of Skin in the Application Area

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Our Products Range

Our Complete range of Pure Ayurvedic Products.

iRed Oils

Treatment of ED & Size Issues

iRed Combos

All the benefits of Oil PLUS Curing PE Issues, Improving Semen Quality, Vigor & Vitality

iRed Super Combos

All the benefits of iRed Combo PLUS Increasing Testosterone Level, Muscle Mass & Fighting Obesity

iRed Super Combos with Shilajit Capsules

All the benefits of iRed Combo PLUS Increasing Testosterone Level, Muscle Mass & Fighting Obesity

Hair Oils

iGrow Combo

30 Days Course

Oil for Promoting Hair Growth, Stopping Hair Fall, Dandruff & Premature Greying

Price : 1199 MRP : 2098

iGrow nourishing hair oil

30 Days Course

Oil for stopping Hair Fall, Dandruff & Premature Greying

Price : 999 MRP : 1499

Pain Relief & Rejuvenation Oil

iFit Pain relief Oil

Say goodbye to joint pains!

Price : 699 MRP : 999


iRed Vitality Mix

30 Days Course

To be used along with I-Red oil

Price : 799 MRP : 1199

iRed Vitality Mix SugarFree

30 Days Course - SugarFree

To be used along with I-Red oil

Price : 899 MRP : 1299

iRed Shilajit Resin

Pure Himalayan Shilajit

100% Pure Shilajit Resin

Price : 899 MRP : 1200

iCalm Sleep and Stress Oil

Pure Essential Oil

Instant relief from Stress Headache & Nasal congestion

Price : 249 MRP : 249

iBeast Protein Powder

iBeast Protein Powder

iBeast Protein Powder

Price : 1099 MRP : 1699